Transmission & Distribution Network
Transmission & Distribution Network
Transmission & Distribution Network
Crisis of power is one of the major problems in Bangladesh. Day by day the gap between demand and production is increasing. Misuse, system loss and corruption in power sector are the main issue regarding this crisis. We supply all the expertise, equipment and services you need to integrate your complete power solutions – from fuel supply through to electrical design. We are at your side from planning through to maintenance. In the planning phase we analyze your demands in detail so that we know the kinds of solution that will work best for you and avoid problems in the future.
Smart Grid
A smart grid is an electrical grid, which includes a variety of operational and energy measures, including smart meters, smart appliances, renewable energy resources, and energy efficient resources.
Electronic power conditioning and control of the production and distribution of electricity are important aspects of the smart grid.
High-Mid-Low Voltage Substations
High-Mid-Low Voltage substations, the node points of today’s complex power transmission infrastructure, play a key role in meeting this demand safely and reliably. Siemens supplies them on a turnkey basis. Wherever you are, BANGLAMARK is your reliable partner for the one-stop planning and construction of customized, state-of-the-art high-voltage substations.
High-Mid-Low Voltage Products
For power grid operators and utility companies the reliability of their power transmission and distribution equipment installed in their network is vital. Investments in grid renewal and extensions are costly; equipment needs to last for decades. On top of that, it is important to eliminate electrical failures, reduce power outages, and increase the safety of people who work in critical environments.
BANGLAMARK makes sure that manufacturers comply with international standards, national deviations and end-user specifications to maintain a high level of safety and reliability. We offer you the complete scope of low, medium and high voltage testing for power transmission & distribution equipment. Our services are applicable to equipment manufacturers, energy utility companies, grid operators and large-scale energy users, amongst others.
HV Direct Current Transmission Systems (HVDC)
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology is commonly used as a method to isolate two independent Alternating Current (AC) power grids while permitting the exchange of power between both AC grids. HVDC technology can disconnect and isolate each AC grid from the other in the event of a blackout of one of the AC grids to avoid losing both AC grids. This isolation technique is commonly used at the interconnection points of AC grids for two countries.
Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS)
BANGLAMARK provides solutions that offer grid operators the ability to provide reactive power support, enhance controllability, improve stability and increase power transfer capability of AC transmission systems. Our portfolio includes power electronic based technology as well as more traditional electro-mechanical solutions, which utility operators have become more interested in because of their grid friendly and reliable nature.
Grid Access Solutions
The demand on electricity grids is greater than ever before – driven by developments on both the generations and consumption sides. And income can only flow where the electricity from your offshore wind farm flows reliably too. We take care of both on your behalf, as we combine. Because we combine innovative technologies with proven solutions for grid connection, successfully tested in thousands of applications. It doesn’t matter whether you need turnkey solutions, all-inclusive component and system packages or service and maintenance: we help your offshore wind farm to deliver, no matter how hard the wind blows.
Gas Insulated Transmission Lines (GIL)
Gas-insulated transmission lines (GIL) are the safe and flexible alternative to overhead lines and take up much less space while providing the same power transmission. Since they hardly impact on the landscape, and their minimal electromagnetic radiation means they can also be used close to, or even within buildings, GIL can be considered for a wide range of applications. They are suitable for providing a continuation for overhead lines underground, connecting power stations to the power network, or as a space-saving way to connect major industrial plants to the public grid.
Gas-insulated transmission lines (GIL) have already proven their technical reliability for a number of decades, since they offer outstanding safety in operation and even in the event of failure, in addition to their very good transmission performance. Any impact on individuals or neighboring resources can be largely ruled out. Electrical losses are kept comparatively low due to the large conductor cross section of the GIL system.
Meet Our Experts
- Address: KA-6/A, Navana Sylvania Baridhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Phone: (+88) 01729065584, (+88) 01977646434
- Email: dhiman@banglamark.com.bd , sales@banglamark.com.bd
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